Cashmere: Nature's Finest Fibre

Cashmere is a timeless, incredibly soft fibre that, with the right care, can last a lifetime.
From the Blog

Knitting for a Better Brain

Knitting is more than just a hobby- it can help keep your brain young, your body calm, reduce anxiety and contribute to your wellbeing.

Summer ShawlAlong

Let's knit shawls together this summer!

All about summer fibres

We deep dive into the properties of cotton, linen and silk that make them perfect for warmer weather.
From The Blog

How To Get The Most Out Of Ravelry


Black Cat Patterns

Black Cat Patterns are designed by our shop owner, and combine fun knitting techniques with beautiful fibres to create modern and wearable pieces that suit a range of skill levels.

Loopine Wool Co.

Loopine Wool Co is a local yarn store focused on serving and promoting the New Zealand knitting community through in-store and online sales. We carry a range of local NZ yarns including indie-dyed, as well as bringing some of the most popular yarns from around the world to serve our local customers. Loopine Wool Co. is a place where you can have your yarn and knit it too!